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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Inbound and Outbound Links

Inbound links is a link that points to the page from a different hosted on any other outgoing link website page.An outbound link is located on Your website and points to someone Else's page.

Internet Marketing

One Way and reciprocal links :

One way link is a link that points from one web page to a page on someone Else's website.On the picture below there is a one way link between page 1 and page 2                ----------------------- >

Sometimes, webmasters can to agree to exchange links with each of the other links.Those are called reciprocal.the photo below shows the inter linkages between page 1 and page 2.     --------------------------------------- >

One way link have become more valuable than reciprocal links, because the search engines "guess" about the secret agreement between the webmasters to exchange the add links often cannot be ruled out reciprocal links to some degree. However, the reciprocal links can still be useful if they are of the most important pages.

Link Popularity and Link Reputation :

When other websites to your website links, this will be used by search engines to vote for their website search engines.Since believing that some links are more important than others, you need to understand the concepts of the popularity of links and link reputation with the aim of looking for links to your web site to build a portfolio of professionalism.

Link Popularity of links is the number of links pointing to your website from other sites. You can also determine as PR (Page Rank) happens to your web page.
Link Building

Some time ago, search engines ranked websites based on the number of links that point to them.It was thought that the good pages attracted more links.

Now days you change, search engines are not based on the sheer popularity of links anymore.They evaluate links based on their importance. To establish your important web page, you can :

1. Obtain a large number of links from other pages
2. To obtain the already important pages several links
3. Use the two methods 1 and 2.

However, some other important pages links is the most effective way to get a higher page rank because the pages linked from important pages are in themselves considered important (of cause, links to the most important pages you have, better). a few links of important representatives pages can be done rather than a bunch of links from sites of importance.

Links Reputation is connected with the type of keywords used in your anchor text. It is used to determine the relevance of certain search terms in search engines.

Therefore, you will have to carry out the tasks of a strategy of building links with success:

1) get pages of links to numerous and important as possible,
2) construction of relevance between the anchor text and the keywords phrases target used in search engines.


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